Join our network of schools around the world

About us

We offer personalized support for each school

Our goal is creating a community of schools where we share support, a curriculum, and advice, as well as provide the digital infrastructure necessary for 21st century learning. By working together, we can ensure that all students have the opportunity to receive a high-quality education and reach their full potential.

Every school can join to become a member of our network. Depending on the current digital infrastructure of your school, we can offer you the following benefits:

Get connected to other schools in our community to share ideas, collaborate and solve problems together
Receive first-time satellite or wifi internet access for all students
Set up digital devices such as smartboards, laptops, tablets in your school
Receive free and high-quality educational content through collaborations with Coursera, Udacity & many more
Students impacted
Affiliated Organizations
€ donated
How we help?

Developing a shared digital curriculum across schools

Year 0

Computer Introduction

This year will focus on introducing students to the basic concepts and functions of computers. Students will learn about the different parts of a computer, how to navigate the operating system, and how to use basic software such as a word processor and a web browser.
Year 0


This year will focus on introducing students to different types of computer software and how to use them. Students will learn about productivity software (e.g. word processors, spreadsheets), creative software (e.g. image editors, video editors), and programming languages.
Year 0


This year will focus on introducing students to the hardware components of a computer and how they work together. Students will learn about the processor, memory, storage, and input/output devices. They will also learn how to troubleshoot and fix basic hardware issues.
Year 0

Digital Literacy

This year will focus on helping students develop the skills they need to be responsible and effective digital citizens. Students will learn about online safety and privacy, cyberbullying, and how to use technology ethically and responsibly. They will also learn how to use technology to communicate and collaborate with others, and how to use it to access and create information.
Year 0
Computer Introduction
Year 0
Year 0
Year 0
Digital Literacy
*Customizable lessons depending on local school system. This is an example.
Take a look at our Network

Join our network of schools around the world

The goal behind

The problem of educational poverty is rooted in unequal access to education. To address this issue, we must focus on closing the digital divide by improving the quality of technical infrastructure and providing students with the latest hardware and software needed for learning.

Our approach

At Equal Access, we recognize that education poverty requires a multifaceted approach. To meet this challenge, we partner with organizations and foreign ministries across the globe to provide resources and support for those absent of digital infrastructure.

Send us a message

We are grateful for any kind of support. Please contact us if you have any questions, would like to make a donation or are interested to create a partnership.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any costs involved for schools?

Thanks to our donations, all benefits for schools are entirely free. We decide the concrete support for each school on a case by case basis.

How do you choose which school to support?

At the moment, our geographical focus is on schools in Sub-Saharan Africa, as well as South and Latin America. If you know or are part of a school outside of these areas, make sure to still reach out to us. We are very happy to hear from you!

How can our school contact you?

We can be best reached via email. Make sure to fill out the contact form above and we will reach out to you within a week of your submission. We look forward to hearing from you.

Why should I consider becoming a member?

Becoming a member in our network of schools is entirely free of charge. It is quick and unbearocratic and gives you access to a shared digital curriculum, local resources that we have collected about your area as well as regular educational updates from our team and a contact person that can help you with any questions you may have.
