Help us advance digital education in schools worldwide!

Become an Education Pioneer and provide high-quality access to education for schoolchildren.

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About us

Empowering students globally with technology

The use of digital technology is an effective way to provide education to vulnerable communities. Online learning platforms and other digital resources can make it easier for students to access education from anywhere, even in areas where schools may be scarce or non-existent.

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We Support Vulnerable Communities - Philanthropy Webflow Template
We Support Vulnerable Communities - Philanthropy Webflow Template

By providing high-quality digital education, we can help to break down barriers to learning and give all individuals the opportunity to learn, grow, and succeed.

Support a network of schools in our community that shares ideas, collaborates and solves problems together
Provide first-time internet access for students
Support schools with digital devices such as smartboards, laptops and tablets
Provide high-quality educational content through collaborations with Coursera, Udacity & many more
Our Results

What we achieved in the last 12 months

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Take a look at our Projects

We are open to supporting schools around the world

The goal behind

The problem of educational poverty is rooted in unequal access to education. To address this issue, we must focus on closing the digital divide by improving the quality of technical infrastructure and providing students with the latest hardware and software needed for learning.

Our approach

At Equal Access, we recognize that education poverty requires a multifaceted approach. To meet this challenge, we partner with organizations and foreign ministries across the globe to provide resources and support for those absent of digital infrastructure.

How we help?

What is our contribution?

Learning Enviroment

• Providing wifi and satellite connectivity for internet access
• Network of innovative schools and educational resources such as personalized curricula

Learning Hardware

• Providing digital devices such as tablets and computers with pre-installed learning software to schools
• Programmable hardware, such as Arduino

Learning Software

• Sponsoring digital scholarships to students through educational platforms like edX, Coursera and Udacity

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See how we are making a difference

Digital education makes a fundamental difference in schools by providing equal educational opportunities.

Providing access to education: Increasing accessibility for individuals in underserved areas
Personalized Learning: New and innovative ways for students to engage with course materials
Collaborating with local partners: Tailoring school programs meets the needs of each community.
Promoting equity: Ensuring that all students have the same opportunities to succeed.

Join us and let’s make a better world, today
